Payment Process & Options

Transaction Currency
All orders are calculated and charged in Australian Dollars (AUD). If the prices are shown in any other currencies than AUD, they are only approximate and shall be used for guidance purposes only.

Accepted Payment Methods
You can pay for your order by a credit or debit card (Visa, Mastercard, or American Express), or by bank transfer upon request. 

If your preferred payment method is not listed, please contact us. We will do our best to accommodate your preference.

Taxes & import fees

Australian customers: All prices displayed are inclusive of GST.

International customers: no additional taxes will be added to your order, however, please be aware that all international shipments outside of Australia may be subject to the various customs and import fees, duties and taxes of the destination country. The customer is fully responsible for these additional charges and any others that may be required for customs clearance.

Safety of Online Payments

WIRRU Opal does not capture or store your credit card information at any time – even temporarily. No part of the WIRRU Opal site has any access to your credit card information, giving you additional peace of mind. Your credit card information required for payment is processed solely by Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

WIRRU Opal is compliant with the industry standard for protection of personal information (PCI) and uses the industry-standard 128-bit encryption. The Secure Socket Layering technology locks all critical information passed from you to us, such as personal information, in an encrypted envelope, making it extremely difficult for this information to be intercepted. Any page which is secured with SSL can be identified by checking the URL. If the URL starts with ‘https’ rather than the standard ‘http’ then it is a secure webpage. This system is used by all reputable online shopping sites.

Trouble Paying Online

We cannot guarantee that all payment cards will be accepted for online purchase. If your credit or debit card has been declined, or your preferred payment method is not listed, please contact us. We will do our best to assist you by organising alternative payment options.